Important information
This information is intended for investment professionals only and is for information purposes only. It should not be distributed without our permission.
No investment decisions should be made without first reviewing the key information document and prospectus (and any supplements thereto) of the relevant product which includes information on certain risks associated with an investment.
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Information on this website (a) is for information purposes only and we are not soliciting any action based on it, and (b) is not a recommendation to buy or sell securities or pursue a particular investment strategy; and (c) is not investment, legal, regulatory or tax advice. Any trading or investment decisions taken by you should be based on your own analysis and judgment (and/or that of your professional advisers) and not in reliance on us or the Information.
This information is only directed at investors resident in jurisdictions where each fund is registered for sale. It is not an offer or invitation to persons outside of those jurisdictions. We reserve the right to reject any applications from outside of such jurisdictions.
All information detailed on this website is current at the time of publication and may be changed in the future.
Following the imposition of sanctions on Russian securities and assets being removed from indices the market has been effectively frozen for foreign investors and all equity positions have been marked to zero in line with LGIM’s fair value pricing policy. Regardless of being priced at zero LGIM funds may still own these securities and any value realised in the future will be for the sole benefit of the relevant fund. LGIM will seek to divest from such securities at such a time that market conditions allow consistent with our fiduciary duties and applicable sanctions.
Index disclaimer
Source ICE Data Indices, LLC (“ICE DATA”), is used with permission. ICE Data, its affiliates and their respective third party suppliers disclaim any and all warranties and representations, express and/or implied, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use, including the indices, index data and any data included in, related to, or derived therefrom. Neither ICE Data, its affiliates nor their respective third party suppliers shall be subject to any damages or liability with respect to the adequacy, accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the indices or the index data or any component thereof, and the indices and index data and all components thereof are provided on an “as is” basis and your use is at your own risk. ICE data, its affiliates and their respective third party suppliers do not sponsor, endorse, or recommend Legal & General Investment Management (Holdings) Limited or its affiliates, or any of their products or services.